关键词:柬埔寨中文地接社,梦回吴哥旅行社,柬埔寨自由行,柬埔寨旅游包车,暹粒旅游包车,吴哥窟旅游包车,柬埔寨旅游,吴哥窟行程 对包车朋友提供国外24小时紧急中文救助




Introduction to Cambodia SMART Phone Card:
smart4G calling card: Pricing is $4, there is 1.2G for Internet access, intranet phone (smart card intercommunication) is free for 120 minutes, and 1.45$ can be used to dial the external network (non-smart local phone) for about 20 minutes, or call China. 36 minutes or so
smart4G calling card: priced at 4 US dollars, there is 2.5G Internet access, intranet phone (smart card intercommunication) 250 minutes free, and 0.45$ can be used to call the external network (non-smart local phone) about 7 minutes, or call China 11 minutes or so
smart4G calling card: priced at 4 dollars, there is 1G for Internet access, intranet phone (smart card intercommunication) 250 minutes free), and 1.45$ can be used to dial the external network (non-smart local phone) for about 20 minutes, or call China 36 minutes!


3、公路:公路交通是柬埔寨的主要交通,全国公路线总长约1.5万千米,有1号公路(金边至越南胡志明市),4号公路(金边至西哈努克港),5号公路(金边经马德望至泰国边境),6号公路(金边经磅同、暹粒至吴哥古迹)四条公路线。从金边去胡志明可以坐柬埔寨的Capital公司和越南的SINH COFFEE联营的一条线路,只需6美金,行程8小时,中间过边境需换车,办手续需1个小时。

Cambodian traffic:
Cambodia's transportation facilities are good, at least to meet the travel requirements of passengers. Its transportation routes are mainly concentrated in the central plains and the Tonle River basin, with road traffic and Hanoi transportation as the mainstay, while the northern and southern mountains are relatively closed.
Cambodia Traffic Introduction:
1. Aviation: Phnom Penh International Airport, Siem Reap International Airport, Westport International Airport are the three main airports in Cambodia, while the main airlines are Siem Reap Airlines and Angkor Airlines. International routes opened by Cambodian domestic airlines: destinations are Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Vientiane, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, etc.; and foreign airlines have opened Phnom Penh in Cambodia to Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Phuket, Singapore, Vientiane, Siem Reap To Bangkok and other routes.
China's Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Xiamen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuxi, Sanya, Nanning, Xinzheng, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Qingdao, Guilin, Fuzhou, Nanjing have direct flights to Cambodia.
2. Railway: There are two main railway lines in Cambodia: Phnom Penh - Poibe, with a total length of about 385 kilometers, which can go directly to Bangkok, Thailand; Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville, with a total length of about 270 kilometers, is Cambodia The main traffic lines carry the most passengers, but the railways are in disrepair and have low transport capacity.
3. Highway: Highway traffic is the main transportation in Cambodia. The total length of the national highway is about 15,000 kilometers. There are Highway 1 (Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), Highway 4 (Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville Port), Highway 5 ( Phnom Penh via the Battamto to the Thai border), Highway No. 6 (Phnom Penh via Kampong, Siem Reap to Angkor). From Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh, you can take a route between the Capital of Cambodia and the SINH COFFEE of Vietnam. It costs only US$6 and takes 8 hours. It takes 1 hour to change the car in the middle of the border.
4. Water transport: Hanoi transportation is also the main transportation in Cambodia. The inland navigation is mainly based on the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap Lake. The main river ports are Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham and Pang Ching Yang. Sihanoukville is an international port and the only foreign port in Cambodia. There is a ferry boat between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap on Tonle Sap.


柬埔寨位于亚洲中南半岛南部,全名柬埔寨王国(Kingdom of Cambodia),通称柬埔寨。这里旧称高棉,远在三四千年前柬埔寨人已居住在湄公河下游和洞里萨湖地区,是一个历史悠久的文明古国。柬埔寨全国分为20个省和4个直辖市,首都金边,主要城市有暹粒、马德望和西哈努克港等,举世闻名的吴哥古迹就在靠近暹粒的地方。柬埔寨看似纯朴、落后的景象之中,存留着波布红色高棉政权时代所遗留下来的景象,同时保留着法国殖民地的法式风味。就是这样充满着强烈对比的人文风情,以及柬埔寨特有的风土景致,再加上吴哥窟无与伦比的的历史遗迹,为游客留下了视觉与心理上的巨大震撼,正因为这种融合了神秘、历史、淳朴的感动,使得柬埔寨深受世界各国旅客的喜爱。去柬埔寨,你需要百般的精力,因为这里太精彩了——游玩吴哥需要头顶烈日,坐着三轮摩托车颠簸在古迹之间;金边的杀人场可以让你了解柬埔寨的沉重历史;而西哈努克港的休闲舒适能洗去一路的劳顿,让柬埔寨之旅变得美妙而丰富。在柬埔寨,没有什么不可能。

Cambodia is located in the southern part of Asia's Indochina Peninsula and is known throughout the country as the Kingdom of Cambodia. Known as Khmer in the past, Cambodians have lived in the lower reaches of the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap area for three or four thousand years. It is an ancient civilization with a long history. Cambodia is divided into 20 provinces and 4 municipalities, the capital city of Phnom Penh, the main cities are Siem Reap, Battambang and Sihanoukville, etc. The world-famous Angkor monument is located near Siem Reap. Among the seemingly simple and backward scenes of Cambodia, there is a scene left by the era of the Khmer Red Khmer regime, while retaining the French flavor of the French colonies. This is full of contrasting humanities, as well as the unique scenery of Cambodia, and the incomparable historical sites of Angkor Wat, which left a huge visual and psychological shock to the tourists. It is because of this mystery. The history and simplicity of the movement have made Cambodia a favorite among tourists from all over the world. Going to Cambodia, you need a lot of energy, because it is so wonderful - playing Angkor needs to be in the hot sun, sitting on a three-wheeled motorbike between the monuments; the killing field in Phnom Penh can let you know the heavy history of Cambodia; The leisure and comfort of Hanuk Harbour can wash away all the way to make the trip to Cambodia wonderful and rich. There is nothing impossible in Cambodia.



Cambodia is an ancient civilization of the Indo-China Peninsula and has a history of more than 2,000 years. Founded in the 1st century AD, in the ancient times of Funan and Zhenla, the Angkor dynasty of the 9th to 15th centuries was strong and created the world-famous Angkor civilization. At the end of the 16th century, the true wax was declining. By the end of the 18th century, Cambodia was basically under the control of a strong neighbor and became a country. At the same time, from the 17th to the 18th century, Vietnam gradually annexed all the territory of Cambodia and formed the southern part of Vietnam today. In the past, it was called Funan, and it was exchanged with Qin and Han. The "Han Han Shu" is called the study of nothing, and the "Sui Shu" is called Zhenla. The Book of Tang is called Ji Xi and Ge Ge (both Khmer). The Yuan Dynasty was called Gan Bozhi, and the Ming Dynasty was called the Ganwu. After the Ming Dynasty Wanli, it was transliterated to Cambodia.


有着丰富多样历史的柬埔寨文化和传统可以追溯到许多世纪以前。多年来,柬埔寨人民融合本土佛教和印度教形成一套独特的传统。柬埔寨已经提出要尊重他们的文化并且在生活方式方面非常的传统。游客将看到柬埔寨人见面时非常有礼貌的表达友好“Chumreap Suor (您好)”。柬埔寨拥有特别的高棉文化,较接近泰国,并带有浓厚的上座部佛教文化氛围,可从高棉建筑文化看到柬埔寨从古至今也受印度文化影响。同时,柬埔寨人民历史上曾有斗象、斗牛、斗鸡、斗鱼等娱乐传统,如今斗鸡仍然是很多人喜爱的一项活动,也有人以此赌输赢。


Cambodian culture and traditions with a rich history can be traced back many centuries. Over the years, the Cambodian people have integrated local Buddhism and Hinduism to form a unique tradition. Cambodia has proposed to respect their culture and have a very traditional lifestyle. Visitors will see Cambodians very polite and friendly when they meet, “Chumreap Suor (hello)”. Cambodia has a special Khmer culture, which is closer to Thailand and has a strong Buddhist culture in the upper seat. It can be seen from the Khmer architectural culture that Cambodia has been influenced by Indian culture since ancient times. At the same time, the Cambodian people have had entertainment traditions such as fighting elephants, bullfighting, fighting chickens and fighting fish in the history. Nowadays, fighting chicken is still an activity that many people like, and some people will win or lose with this bet.

After the establishment of the Angkor dynasty, Cambodian literature was further developed. On the thousands of stone tablets that were preserved, many poems were burned. The content was mostly to praise the gods, praise the American king and predict the future. In the middle of the 12th century, religious literature appeared, mainly in the deepening of religion in Brahmanism and Mahayana Buddhism. Many of these stories have been compiled into plays and dances, listed as traditional plays. After the Angkor dynasty, the folk literature that advocated the Hinayana Buddhism and advocated doing good, with karma and karma, took the advantage. The protagonists of the story are mostly ordinary farmers who dare to resist feudal oppression. At the same time, there have been some famous court writers whose works celebrate the king and some reflect the people's lives. During the period of being a French protectorate, Cambodian national literature was devastated. With the infiltration of Western culture, Cambodian literature has undergone new changes, and modern novels that use vernacular and reflect real life have emerged. After independence in 1953, literature developed rapidly. The number of novels and poems has increased, and works such as drama, reportage, and literary theory have emerged. The more influential writers and works include Hesopa's Masked Thief, Opo's Golden Arrow, Lingen's Moon, and Rawet's Haiwei City. In the 1970s, a number of works reflecting the people's resistance to the United States and the nation were created, such as the novel "Mother's Sacrifice" and "Dampen's Heart".




Cambodia is located in the southern part of the Indochina Peninsula. The east and southeast are bordered by Vietnam, the north is bordered by Laos, the west and northwest are adjacent to Thailand, and the southwest is adjacent to the Gulf of Siam. The Tonle Sap Lake in the territory is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. The rich aquatic products in the lake are an important source of food for the people of Cambodia. The rest of the territory is rich in water resources, and many swamps are visible. The coastline is about 460 kilometers long. It has a tropical monsoon climate with an average annual temperature of 24 °C. The longest Mekong River in Cambodia brings abundant water to the country. The Mekong River originated in China and passed through Myanmar, Laos and Thailand before entering the Cambodian state. In Phnom Penh, the southern Bassak River, and the Tonle Sap River in the northwestern part of the lake, continue to the southeast and enter the South China Sea from Vietnam. The most eye-catching target in the Cambodian territory is the Tonle Sap Lake, the Basa River and the Mekong River running through the north and south of the country. The Central Plains account for 3/4 of the country's land area, and the Xiangshan and Cardamom Mountains in the southeast and west; the Bianbao Mountain border extending from the Keji Terrace in Thailand; and the Chhlong Highlands at the junction of the Central Highlands in eastern Vietnam, which are densely populated and sparsely populated. Area.



There are more than 20 ethnic groups, among which the Khmer ethnic group is the main ethnic group, accounting for 80% of the total population. There are also ethnic minorities such as Zhan, Pun, Lao, Tai and Stern.


Cambodia has established Buddhism as a state religion. At present, more than 95% of the people believe in it, among which the Khmer people are the most, and most of them believe in Buddhism in the seat, the same as the neighboring Thailand. The Buddhism of the Upper Buddhism was introduced to Cambodia from the southwestern Sri Lanka in the 11th century, and it has shaken the prevalence of Brahmanism. It was the new main belief of Cambodia until the 14th century replaced Shiva and Mahayana Buddhism. In addition, the local Jing and Chinese people believe in Mahayana Buddhism, Catholicism and Protestantism, while the Clan is mainly based on Islam, and a small number of people worship the original.

当地节日/Local festival



Location: Cambodia
Date: January to February
The Chinese here will celebrate the Spring Festival between the end of January and mid-February - the Vietnamese become Tet. The business in Phnom Penh is mainly operated by Chinese, and will be closed during the Spring Festival. The city has dragon dance performances. Many Vietnamese living in Cambodia have to return home for a week or more.

柬埔寨新年欢庆三天,仿佛是将圣诞节、新年和生日连在一起休息。柬埔寨人朝寺进香,扫屋除尘,互赠礼物。 如果选择在新年期间游览柬埔寨,你就能感受到柬埔寨举国狂欢的气氛。大批民众聚集在金边的塔山寺(Wat Phnom)。柬埔寨人成群结队涌向吴哥,大多数寺庙绝对是一片狂乱的景象,因此一定要避开新年参观吴哥,否则你就无法再一个安静的环境里细细体味吴哥。

Cambodian New Year
Location: Cambodia
Date: April 14th to 16th
Cambodian New Year celebrates three days, as if to rest Christmas, New Year and birthday. The Cambodians scented the temple, cleaned the house, and gave gifts to each other. If you choose to visit Cambodia during the New Year, you can feel the atmosphere of Cambodia's national carnival. A large number of people gathered in Wat Phnom in Phnom Penh. Cambodians flock to Angkor in droves. Most temples are absolutely frenzied, so be sure to avoid visiting New Year's Angkor, otherwise you will not be able to savour Angkor in a quiet environment.


Yugeng Festival
Location: Cambodia
Date: Every year in the fourth month of the Lunar Calendar
A symbolic cultivation ceremony was held by the king or his representative at Wang Jiatian, adjacent to the royal palace, to pray for the good weather and the harvest of the grain.



Buddha Day
Location: Cambodia
Date: June 15th of the Lunar Calendar
This is a day to celebrate the Buddha's birthday, enlightenment and nirvana, and to celebrate the temple. The time of the Buddha's Birthday is June 15th of the Buddhist calendar. The celebrations in Angkor Wat are the most grand. At that time, the monks will march in the Angkor Wat with candlelight.

佛历十月一日至十五日举行(通常在公历9月),节日的最后3天是法定假日,一般有7天左右都不上班。相当于中国的清明节,主旨在于追思亡灵祭拜先人,但有着更 为浓厚的柬埔寨特色和宗教色彩。

Dead Festival (September)
Location: Cambodia
Date: Every year from October 1st to 15th
The Buddhist calendar is held from October 1st to 15th (usually in September of the Gregorian calendar). The last 3 days of the festival are statutory holidays, and generally do not go to work for about 7 days. Equivalent to China's Ching Ming Festival, the main purpose is to trace the undead to worship the ancestors, but with more Cambodian characteristics and religious colors.

送水节(也称龙舟节,柬民族传统节日。):在每年佛历十二月月圆时边疆庆祝三天。柬人民在王宫前洞里萨 河上举行龙舟比赛,表达对洞里萨河、湄公河养育之恩的感谢。

Water festival
Location: Cambodia
Date: October to November each year
Water Festival (also known as Dragon Boat Festival, traditional Cambodian festival.): Celebrate three days in the frontiers of the December calendar. The Cambodian people held a dragon boat race on the Tonle River in front of the palace to express their gratitude for the grace of the Tonle River and the Mekong River.
